Wednesday 14 October 2015



I am a pale girl.. I basically have a "moon tan" (it's a sweet description?!) all year round, no matter if it is summer or winter, which is both unfortunate but also not that big-a-deal. I love my pale skin, even if it is slightly red and blotchy when I have been out in the sunshine. Occasionally you may have a special event coming up, or you just want to have some bronzed up skin to make yourself feel fresh and summer-y and that's where sunless tanning comes in! I highly recommend never going out in the sunshine without suncream slathered all over you, it's just not good for you or your skin and the pain when you're burnt is just not worth it, I've done it enough times to learn this!! If you're the lucky type who still tans even when slathered in suncream, well, I am just so jealous and you should let me know in the comments below just to rub it in (pardon the pun)!! 

There are so many sunless tanners out there; I was a bit overwhelmed when looking for one to be honest, the shelf was packed full and they all claim the exact same thing, if you're stuck just ask someone for assistance - it's their job to help after-all! Otherwise, before you even head to the store (or buy online) just google the brands because there are so many reviews/videos out there! I decided to go through with buying "St Tropez" in the white bottle, not the black bottle. I am not used to being super dark and don't want THAT much of a change, so I wanted something lighter and more 'natural' for me! 

First things first, as basically every review and / or video about how to apply fake tan mentions, skin preparation is the most important step in this process - and confidence if you're a first-timer! I suggest starting a few days before you want to apply the tan, so you can exfoliate and moisturise your skin as much as possible before tanning which means you have a soft, supple canvas for the tan to glide on and sink into seamlessly! I also suggest shaving your legs the day beforehand so the pores can close back up so the tan doesn't go spotty! Okay, having said that, let's say, one day before, exfoliate, shave and moisturise your entire body, I love using this "Clean Slate" coffee scrub (which you can purchase here) I got this for my birthday from one of my best friends, and it's similar to the Frank Body Scrub. It also has the best coffee smell (if you like that sort of thing!) and leaves your skin so, so smooth! I then shave with any regular razor, and I shower as normal. Then, before I get dressed I put on some moisturiser, I love this Vaseline spray, it is so easy to use and has no scent (this is important!) and really sinks into your skin rather than leaving a 'film' ontop of your skin. 

The day of tanning, I get back in the shower first, wash off any perfume, soaps, moisturisers etc with water - this will help the tan stick better on your skin, and not be patchy or blotchy. You can also exfoliate again if you feel like it! Then, hop out the shower, pat your skin dry and let it air dry for a little bit. Grab your moisturiser, put some on your hands, knuckles, wrists, elbows, knees, feet, ankles and anywhere else you don't want the tan to be too 'strong'. Once you've done that, you're ready to go! Take your tanner bottle, shake it up slightly and spray some onto your mitt (this is something that I think is an absolute must to get a seamless finish!). Make sure you use the same number of pumps / amount of product each time you spray it out, otherwise you could look uneven. Then, just buff (or rub / spread) it into your skin in circular motions - this tanner has a colour, so you can see where you have put it, ensuring you don't miss any spots. You can also let it dry and then apply some more if you feel like you want to be darker in any areas, like your legs for example. 

Then, the waiting begins. Depending on the product, you may have to wait 4-8 hours or if it's an express, just 2 hours. This means you shouldn't do anything that will make you sweat, you also shouldn't get in a pool or a shower or go in the rain until the tan has developed, otherwise you could end up with a streaky finish. The best time to do a tan is in the evening, before bed, that way it can develop overnight and you can jump in the shower in the morning and be ready for the day! You don't have to wait for the full 8 hours either and if you go slightly over the timing that's totally fine too! It's basically just a guide-line and you do you, as always! 

I am not a huge fan of the smell of this product, so I wouldn't go out in public without having washed off the guide colour first and getting rid of the smell. I applied my tan in the early afternoon as I was just lazing around the house and had a shower before bed and when I woke up my skin was bronzed, radiant and I felt super summer-y! 

Have you used St Tropez? What do you think? What sunless tanners do you recommend? Let me know in the comments below! 


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flawless features,