Friday 11 September 2015



Sometimes things just happen that really bring you down and it's a struggle to get back up again, but you do get back up, even if it takes a little bit longer than normal. I do struggle with anxiety and depression, as it seems most people these days do, and some days are harder than others, and I couldn't ever explain this in an eloquent way, so I never have and I don't think I will. We just have to remember, we are not alone in our feelings, even when it feels like we are.

I recently lost my grandmother, it was expected, but also unexpected, and it shook my world; it's a heartbreak that you never get used to, no matter how many grandparents you have lost before. I don't want to say much on the matter, just that as Mitch Albom so eloquently put it, life has to end, love doesn't.

Stay strong, no matter how much life is getting you down.


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