Wednesday 4 November 2015



Today's post is focused around a cute little date I had with my mum and future sister-in-law. We were cupcake tasting at a cute little boutique coffee shop in Victoria Park in Perth, WA. It is called the "Sassy Cookie" and the owner is a lady who bakes all her own cupcakes, cakes, tarts, biscuits - basically she bakes everything she sells, and she also does cupcakes, biscuits and cakes for events, such as weddings! 

We had heard about this little cafe online, and I had called to enquire about cupcakes and biscuits for my future sister-in-law's kitchen tea we are having pre-wedding! The lady was so lovely and we said we'd pop down to try out her cupcakes and biscuits before we ordered anything! We found the place, nestled in bushes and down a few stairs - the cafe is a little house that has been converted into a shop-front and cafe, while the other half is still a house! As you walk in, you immediately feel at home and feel really special! The girls working there are super friendly and there is a big board displaying all their coffees, teas, smoothies, milkshakes etc while the fridges at the front are stocked with cupcakes of all flavours, tarts, biscuits, breads - it's pure heaven for cake-lovers and sweet-tooth's alike! 

My mum ordered a tim-tam milkshake, which is basically tim-tams blended with milk and ice-cream. It was absolutely rich and delicious, it definitely wasn't something you'd drink if you were watching your calorie intake for the day, that's for sure. My sister-in-law and I ordered an Oreo milkshake (if that's on the menu, would there be anything else you'd get??) which again was literally (well, it tasted like it anyway) just Oreo's crushed up with milk and ice-cream. It was heaven, absolute Oreo h e a v e n! We also decided to order some cupcakes to try out before ordering any for the Kitchen Tea as sometimes you just can't be sure that they'll be as delicious as you'd hope or as you'd make (we are big bakers in our family and love making cupcakes and cakes, just lack the time). We ordered a basic vanilla cake with pink icing on the top as a standard thing to try, as that's the most basic. We also ordered a white chocolate mud cake with some vanilla icing on the top and we also decided to splurge and try a very decadent chocolate cupcake with chocolate icing on the top. We cut them up into threes and we devoured them in minutes! By far our favourite was the white chocolate mud cake, and our least favourite was the chocolate cake, as it was just too rich and too strong for us! These cakes and the milkshakes were absolutely amazing, and I feel like I'd visit this place every often, if it weren't for the distance / the high calorie intake (haha). If you live in Perth I would highly recommend giving this place a go - you won't regret it! Needless to say, we ended up ordering cupcakes for the Kitchen Tea and will post plenty about that event here soon! xoxo 


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